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Furniture Delivery and PickUp

Furniture Donation PickUp


Getting rid of old furniture isn’t an easy process. It's heavy, awkward, hard to maneuver, and is nearly impossible to do on your own. You may even need extra hands and tools, such as a dolly, to move heavier pieces. Even if you can manage to convince someone to help you with the heavy lifting, you still have to drop it off for donation or at the dump on your own.


Luckily, there's a much easier way to deal with furniture removal—let New Start Resale take care of it for you! It might be the easiest decision you’ll ever make. Our no contact service allows us to remove items without direct contact, to ensure the comfort and safety of our customers and our teams.


We’ll grab those heavy items out of your home or office, load them onto our truck, and ensure that it gets donated or recycled whenever possible. We will pick up your donated furniture for $30 a piece or $40 for two. 


Furniture Delivery


If you purchase from our shop, we will deliver your items to you for $30 a piece or $40 for two, depending on your location. 

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