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About New Start Resale

New Start Resale allows individuals to sell and buy an array of high-quality, secondhand furniture items.  We are owned and operated by Project WisHope, a 501 (C3) nonprofit Recovery Community Organization, which aims to support, advocate, educate and mobilize Wisconsin residents who are impacted directly by addiction and mental health, and their family members, friends and allies.


Your purchase benefits Project WisHope's mission to support individuals struggling with substance use and co-occurring disorders. New Start Resale also as provides people in recovery with job training and employment opportunities. We do this by employing individuals who are in long-term recovery but have a hard time finding employment due to their history with addiction and/or co-occurring mental health conditions. At New Start Resale, we believe wholeheartedly that recovery is possible for everyone and that everyone deserves a second chance. 


Personal benefits of donating used furniture  

Donating your used furniture benefits you in several ways. The first is a tax donation receipt, which will directly benefit your business at the end of the year. You can also save money on moving costs by getting your furniture picked up by our New Start Resale team. We do this for free for all our donors, whether they are individuals or businesses, but we encourage our donors to make a small cash donation to help pay for the labor and material costs of the pickup. Don’t forget to include your cash donation on your tax donation receipt. 


Environmental benefits of donations

Many of you care about preserving the environment. By donating your old furniture, you ensure that items that are still usable stay out of landfills. This relieves some of the pressure on the environment and also reduces the number of new resources needed for making furniture. "Reusing" is a fundamental principle of a good environmental policy, and furniture that can still be used should still be used. Why throw it away when it can serve another family or the small business down the road?


Community benefits of donations

When you donate your new and gently used furniture items, New Start Resale sells them to the highest payer and uses the revenue generated to provide lifesaving services for individuals seeking support for drug and alcohol addiction and co-occurring mental health disorders.


We donate the majority of our proceeds to our partner organization, Project WisHope, a 501 (C3) nonprofit Recovery Community Organization, which aims to support, advocate, educate and mobilize Wisconsin residents who are impacted directly by addiction and mental health, and their families members, friends, and allies. 


Through this partnership, we are also directly helping individuals in recovery to develop important life skills, so they can repair their relationships and rebuild their lives. By working for New Start Resale, these individuals also have an opportunity to gain leadership skills through our structured employee mentorship program. We believe that by providing employment to individuals impacted directly by addiction we can enhance their hope, sense of purpose, self-worth, confidence, and, ultimately, their lives. 


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